The Identity and Attributes of God

First on my list of books to recommend to you is fittingly a book on the topic of first importance! Theology used to be called “the Queen of the Sciences” because far above biology, physics, or astronomy (sorry Mike!) in importance is the study of God Himself.

In this extraordinary work, Terry Johnson surveys several precious attributes of God combining his own insights from Scripture with quotes from some of the greatest thinkers in church history (especially from the Puritans). That aspect is, I think, this book’s greatest offering. Johnson presents golden nuggets of truth to the reader which he has mined from laborious reading through the deep, rich, and challenging writings of the Puritan divines. I relied on this book in many ways when I preached a series on The Attributes of God in 2021. It is a pleasure to heartily recommend this book to you! We have a copy in the church library that you are welcome to borrow or you can follow the link at the bottom of this article to purchase the book from its publisher. 

Below is the book’s endorsement and its summary from the website: 

‘This book is both profound in its theology, lucid in its exposition, and deeply pastoral and practical in its tone and intention. Anyone wanting to dive into the doctrine of God who wants to see how classical theism connects to everyday Christian life – and what is therefore practically at stake when such theology is abandoned – should read this book.’ — CARL TRUEMAN


The problem identified by the prophet Hosea in his day is still with us today — ‘There is no…knowledge of God in the land’ (Hos. 4:1). We were made to know God. We were saved to know God. Jesus said, ‘This is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent’ (John 17:3).

Our chief end and purpose is to know God and thereby to honour and enjoy him. These pages explore God’s identity. The God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is also Creator, Governor, and Redeemer. This one true God is infinitely and unchangingly holy, just, good, and loving. This work is offered with the hope that it might promote the true knowledge of the true God. As Matthew Henry said, ‘To know the perfections of the divine nature, the unsearchable riches of divine grace, to be led into the mystery of our redemption and reconciliation by Christ, this is food; such knowledge as this is a feast to the soul.’

‘It has been said by someone that “the proper study of mankind is man”. I will not oppose the idea, but I believe it is equally true that the proper study of God’s elect is God; the proper study of a Christian is the Godhead. The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the attention of a child of God, is the name, the nature, the person, the work, the doings, and the existence of the great God whom he calls his Father… I know nothing which can so comfort the soul; so calm the swelling billows of sorrow and grief; so speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead.’
— C. H. Spurgeon

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