The Toxic War on Masculinity

The Toxic War on Masculinity; How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes              (by Nancy Pearcy, 2023)

  This book is a must-read for the modern family, most of all husbands and fathers (or those who aspire to be such). In a culture dominated by a critical-theory worldview, the belief that men are natural oppressors and that masculinity is toxic is having far-reaching repercussions. Refusing to submit to God’s creation design, the world sees male-headship not as a gift but as a cage and so it has been intentionally and unintentionally undermining that principle throughout human history.
  God has called men to lead their families based off of the model of our Lord Jesus Christ. Humility, sacrifice, service, and love are key characteristics for husbands and fathers to display and cultivate in the home, as well as strength, honor, chivalry, and bravery. In The Toxic War on Masculinity, Nancy Pearcey masterfully combines historical survey and statistical analysis to show how the American family has been in a dangerous decline ever since the 1750s, yet she presents practical principles to encourage and strengthen the home (and husbands/fathers in particular).
  I heartily recommend this book to every man that wants to be a faithful leader of their family, and I look forward to bringing up my son with these principles in mind! It’s an engaging and fascinating book, and you’ll have a hard time putting it down. Happy reading!

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